Habits for a Successful Life
MORE important than academics are the 'habits for a successful life' that young adults need to create meaningful, happy lives.
"Each of us is called to reach for greatness. There really is a hero in us all...
but there's only one way to get there -- Do Hard Things."
-- Chuck Norris
Welcome to a World Where We Do Hard Things To Become Our Best Self
Be bold. Take Risks. Develop Mastery. Commit to Consistent and Vigorous Improvement.

Taking Education to
It's time to innovate & recreate education.
WSA focuses on four critical objectives that
make a real difference in preparing students for a global future no one can predict.
Students learn to be leaders who live on purpose and with passion, having the skills mastery & knowledge necessary to fulfill their life mission.
World School Academy (WSA) offers a unique mix of online classes, mentoring, accountability & home education coaching PLUS Reach Upward youth camps, international trips & study abroad experiences for the students and/or the whole family -- with our family of nine.
Student/Teacher Ratio
Become the Hero of Your Own Life Story
You, your children, your family -- you're not meant to live a humdrum existence.
You were born for something greater. A higher purpose. A greater cause.
You were born to be the hero of your own life story...
"Your future depends on your capacity to learn and your motivation to do so... to survive and thrive in this new era, we must be constantly learning."
Welcome To
A unique approach to education and experiential learning for the whole family through home education coaching, online classes & mentoring, reading & discussions, and transformational experiences.
Welcome To
An Education
Mentoring & Experiences That Will
Transform Your Life.
An antiquated educational system is being forced to change. 'School' should never be the same again, especially if we truly want to prepare the next generation for a future that none of us can predict -- one where the jobs or careers or businesses they'll work at don't even exist yet and will be dependent on technology that hasn't yet been invented...
After working with youth and parents for 20+ years, we've created a program that addresses the needs of today's youth. It prevents failure-to-launch, anxiety, and depression; teaches physical, mental, and emotional mastery; forges character; and helps teens & parents become the hero of their own life story.
World School Academy (WSA) has a unique combination of self-directed online or at-home education with accountability from mentors and peers, plus project-based, real-world, portfolio-building learning. We also provide regular in-person challenges, skills development, mentoring, adventure, and experiential learning opportunities.
Home Education Coaching for Parents & Online Mentoring for Youth
More information will be available soon
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