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Who is this guy?

Who helps a hero BECOME a hero?



Recognize the guy on the right? Probably not. But you'll likely recognize his 'hero'.

We don't question it.​

Athletes. Musicians. Hercules.

They have a coach. And we don't question it.​

Of course that's what makes them great. That's what makes them a hero.

In every epic story, from Hercules to Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings, the story is the same.


An average person hears the call to adventure, sets out on a quest, and ONLY succeeds because of mentors and guides.


It's called The Hero's Journey.

This guy followed The Hero's Journey


This guy made him a hero -- he's the mentor.

Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympic athlete ever.

Here's what it looks like:

Start here


Do you recognize where you are on the hero's journey?


Yes. YOU.


We are all on our own hero's journey. 


Some of us have awakened to that fact.


Others of us are living in oblivion. Stumbling in the dark. And wondering why things don't work out like we want.


We HAVE to wake up, hear and accept the call to adventure, and begin the path to awakening.


We MUST have a mentor to guide us through this process.


IT IS NOT OPTIONAL if we want to live the best life possible.


You CANNOT achieve an awakening without a guide and allies.


The most successful heroes ALWAYS receiving coaching.


But The Hero's Journey is not just for Olympic athletes or Greek gods.


It's for mom's and dad's, young adults, homeschoolers, grandparents, aunts and uncles.


It's for working moms, single parents, couples -- anyone who feels a stirring in their soul to live the life they were born to live.

From homeless teen to hero of my life story...

My own story began before I was born when my dad left my mom.


By the time I was sixteen I'd had enough of step-dads who came and went.


So I left home.


It wasn't easy.


Sometimes I went hungry. Sometimes I slept in my truck or on a friend's couch.


Often, I was lonely and depressed. Like the night I spent Christmas Eve all alone and hungry.


But I felt a longing in my soul...


... a longing to live a happy, fulfilled, meaningful life.


I set out on a quest to find the answers to happiness and success.


That journey has been fraught with trials, failures, allies, enemies, and many, many mentors.


Ultimately, it has brought me to where I am today -- happily married to my best friend (18 years) and father of seven amazing children.


As a family we've lived in or traveled to 44 countries on five continents. (With plans to visit more countries this year).


My wife and I partner in a business, and spend nearly 24/7 together.


We 'worldschool' our children, and spend nearly 24/7 with them too.


We love our life.


Our entire focus is on living HOLISTICALLY. We want to be strong:


  • Mentally

  • Emotionally

  • Physically

  • Socially

  • Spiritually

  • Financially


Greg Mongolia Horse Trek.JPG

A recent trip I led to Mongolia. I took two of my teens.

Each of us will pass through The Hero's Journey many times during our life.


Each time we will achieve new awakenings and reach new heights.


I'm blessed to be  at the stage in the Hero's Journey where I've achieved mastery over many levels of my life and I have gained something powerful to share with the world.


My life mission is to coach and guide family's to help them envision and create the family lifestyle of their dreams.


My approach is holistic. I take into account the WHOLE person AND the WHOLE family.


I can help you:


  • create a passionate marriage and become best friends with your spouse

  • become an extraordinary parent mentor and have more peace at home

  • achieve mental, emotional, and physical mastery and get in the best shape of your life (including eliminating anxiety and depression

  • create the financial security to have more freedom and live the life of your dreams.


If you would like me to be a mentor on your Hero's Journey, I invite you to choose an option below:

Best for once in awhile coaching needs or questions




One time


12 or 24-weeks

12-one hour sessions


Best for big goals and dreams that require a strategic plan and accountability partner

I look forward to helping you achieve Awakening on your Hero's Journey!

Greg Mongolia.JPG


Greg Denning


Discover your passions. Create a study plan. Be accountable to a mentor. 

Develop mastery. Have experiences.

Learning is an adventure and you're 100% responsible.


(If you're a parent, you can sign up too.

We will send you useful strategies for inspiring & mentoring your children of all ages!)

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