Martial Arts in China (Postponed)
Study Abroad: Learn wushu (martial arts) and Mandarin Chinese while staying in a monastery for 2 - 4 weeks.

This Trip Takes Place:
Dates TBD
Northern China, Siping, Jilin, China
Sample itinerary. May be adjusted as necessary.
Day 1: Fly to Beijing
- Arrive at the Airport before 4 pm.
Day 2: Explore Beijing (additional cost)
- Forbidden City
- Great Wall
Day 3: Travel to Siping
- Train
Day 4 - 25: Monastery Life (Minimum stay of 2 weeks at the monastery -- Saturday to Saturday.)
- Training in monastery. (Wu shu is martial arts). Sample daily schedule:
- 05:10 Wake up and get ready for the first class
- 05:30 - 6:30 Early morning class: Qi gong or physical training
- 06:30 Breakfast
- 08:00 - 10:00 Mid morning wu shu class
- 10:30 - 11:30 Late morning wu shu class or Mandarin class
- 11:30 Lunch
- 14:00 - 16:00 Afternoon wu shu class
- 17:00 Dinner
- 18:30 - 19:30 Evening wu shu class
- 19:30 - 20:30 Shower time
- 21:30 Lights out ( Sunday through Thursday)
Children as young as 6 allowed with accompanying parent.
This reserves the place for one person.
$1,000.00Beijing Tour Excursion
Available only for June 22 - 24. See the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.
$599.00Full Price 2 weeks
This reserves the place for one person for two weeks at the monastery. Includes the following: Chinese visa Food and accommodations at the monastery. Two weekend excursions.
$1,499.00Full Price 4 weeks
This reserves the place for one person for two weeks at the monastery. Includes the following: Chinese visa Food and accommodations at the monastery. Three weekend excursions.